Gurney day. RedBox Day. Fun Day. Happy Day.
My Big Day.
First of all. Thank you JunFang and LeeMei.
Accompany me whole day in Gurney.
It was my very first time to play the dance station.
Lol. And the 'drum station' too. XD
I enjoyed the time in Redbox. Hahaha.
Singing is fun okay! My very first to listen JF sings.
Well. Thanks for the Birthday song.
Sounded Like this.
Happy Birthday to you
Selamat Hari Jadi
Happy Birthday to you
And my stupid honey. XD Trust me.
You don't have the talent in DJ's field!
What does 'ah 1 ah 2 ah 1234?'
Lol...Laugh till me. Wah. Really Funny la!
We sang a lot! And I sang Pets' songs~ Yay!
Thanks to cow! Haha.. Wished me face-to-face.
And hor And hor... Bought me SundaeCone.
Although I didn't eat but still thanks!
And thanks soya. 你沒讓我的期待落空.
謝謝你. Thanks for bring me the cheese cake.
And thank you aunty for baking it.
Frankly, it is nice to eat ok! *yummy*
Last night popo, Uncle Liang and Aunt Jennifer
came. With Bread History cake. Haha.
Thank You!
Thanks soya for the cup.
Thanks FanFan for the DIY card!
Thanks XinXuan for the DIY bookmark!
Thanks LeeMei for those presents!
Thanks Honey for the doggie!
Thanks Mummy for the $.
Thanks for those who left comments on my FB.
(60 something wall post. o.O)
Thanks for those who sms and wished me!
(30 sms. Hahaha)
Thanks for 寵物迷 who wished me on forum!
Thanks for FuYong keep sms+ing me Happy Birthday!
(31sms and still continue+ing =..=)
Thanks everyone.
For giving me another unforgetable Birthday.