Friday, October 17, 2008

For those who wanna 'date' me [how cheeky I am],
here's my timetable for second semester..
Take note of it... XD

Mon......: 9am-11am , 11am-12pm , 1pm-2.30pm ,
............... 3pm-4pm
Tue.......: 10.30am-12pm , 1pm-3pm , 4pm-6pm
Wed......: 2pm-4pm
Thu.......: 8.30am-11.30am[table tennis] , 1pm-3pm
Fri.........: 11am-apm , 1pm-2pm , 3pm-5pm
Sat........: 9am-10am [free after that]
Sun.......: Free the whole day!! XD

[I need to wake up at 7am too from Tue-Fri as my sis
is having her class at 9am.. how poor I am]

Mr. Tan Kah Chun... muahahaha... Took it before
the lecture start... *evil laugh*

Frankly, I like my Chinese Modern Writing lecture.
-Dr. Goh. He is so funny and good in telling jokes.
Well, actually he is not joking but you know what..
When he tried to tell us something, his emotion is
just so and very funny. Cute !! *winks*

Oh gosh. The results of the final exam is coming out
TOMORROW! I'm mad about it actually.


Ms Ngu said there're 1/3 of us failed at least 1 subject.
WHAT?! How can it be?? T___T
MUMMY!!! Help~~~~~~~~~
I don't wanna repeat and re-sit any of 'em..

Hope I pass all the papers I took...

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