Friday, November 7, 2008

Chinese lecture.
Well, as usual, we have fun in the class again.
But today really...... 's-w-e-a-t'.
The 1st slide of the lecture was :‘情趣小品’
情趣。The lecturer asked us know what about the 2
words, all of us laugh loudly and I guess we thought
of the 'yellowish' stuff. So he asked : Who have been
going to the 情趣shop at Prangin Mall before?
8 students raised up their hands. Then the lecturer
asked again: What are the things sold in the shop?
The student answered: Condom and s.m. stuff.
:What is 's.m' stand for?
: .....
: Okay, I would like to let you all know what is s.m.
At the same time, a aunty went in and you can
imagine all of us laugh again cause we are waiting the
lecturer to explain the 's.m' and there's a aunty inside
the lecture hall! Ehem ehem.. Okay, I admire my
lecturer. He can act like nothing and continue with
his lesson sounded like this : S.M is...When the couple
is doing 'that kind' of stuff [他們在做那回事的時候],
they use the unproper way to..... AND, S.M is stand
for 'S'lave and 'M'aster..
:Do you ever watched 'yellow' film?
:Yes, I do. Wow.
The guy was so brave to admit it.
Yesterday Mr B recognised the wrong people .It's my
another friend which was wearing the same colour of shirt

with me. I was playing table tennis with Pai Hui and
suddenly,I heard someone calling me. And guess what I saw?
I saw Mr B is calling Ying Pei as 'Chia Chia'.. :Chia Chia!
Lend me your ball please! Wei! Lend me la. And Ying Pei
wasn't notice Mr B is calling her. Then we was like...Huh? She's
not Chia la..Again. We laugh la. As loud as we can.

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